Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Halal Park Designation Process
1. Process : Applications
Application form HALMAS STATUS for Halal Park Designation.
2. Process : Document Evaluation
Company profile, site plan and brief of the project.
3. Process : Payment and Agreement
Sending acknowledgement and charge letter
Payment by applicant and returning of the terms and conditions which has been
4. Process : Site Evaluation
Competitive advantage, presence of government authority, manpower, raw
materials & ingredients, logistics, infrastructure & amenities and factories.
5. Process : Approval Process
Report writing & tabling to HALMAS Certification Panel for approval.
6. Process : Certification
Issuance of HALMAS Certificate
7. Process : Monitoring
Monitoring audits by auditors
8. Process : Renewal
Result from renewal application will be based on site inspection and approval from
the HALMAS Certification Panel
The entire process should be completed within 2 months.
Halal dan Haram Dalam Makanan dan Minuman
Firman Allah Taala yang bermaksud:
" Hai segala manusia..! Makanlah segala yang halal dan baik-baik dari apa-apa yang di bumi
dan janganlah kamu menjejaki syaitan kerana sesungguhnya syaitan itu musuh yang nyata
bagi kamu." (Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 168)
" Hai orang-orang yang beriman...! Makanlah olehmu segala yang baik-baik dari apa-apa
yang telah Kami berikan kepada mu, serta bersyukurlah kepada Allah kalau kamu betul-betul
menyembah kepada-nya. Allah hanya mengharamkan kepada mu bangkai, darah, daging babi dan binatang yang disembelih bukan kerana Allah. Maka barangsiapa yang dalam keadaan terpaksa dengan tidak sengaja dan tidak melampaui batas, maka tidaklah berdosa baginya, kerana sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pengampun and Maha Penyayang."
(Surah al-Baqarah, ayat 172-173)
" Katakanlah...! Aku tidak menemukan tentang sesuatu yang telah di wahyukan kepadaku
berkenaan dengan makanan yang di haramkan, melainkan bangkai, darah yang mengalir,
atau daging babi, kerana sesungguhnya ia itu kotor (rijs), atau binatang yang di sembelih
bukan kerana Allah. Maka barangsiapa yang dalam keadaan terpaksa dengan tidak sengaja
atau tidak melampaui batas, maka sesungguhnya Tuhanmu Maha Pengampun lagi Maha
(Surah al-An'am, ayat 145)
" Telah di haramkan atas kamu bangkai, darah, daging babi, binatang yang di sembelih bukan kerana Allah, binatang yang (mati) kerana di cekik, binatang yang (mati) kerana di pukul,
binatang yang (mati) kerana jatuh dari atas, binatang yang (mati) kerana di tanduk, binatang yang (mati) kerana dimakan oleh binatang buas, kecuali yang dapat kamu sembelih dan
binatang yang disembelih untuk berhala."
(Surah al-Maidah, ayat 3)
2. Penjelasan Mengenai Perkara-perkara Yang Di Haramkan
(1) Diharamkan Bangkai Binatang dan Hikmahnya
Selain daripada bangkai, darah dan daging babi terdapat beberapa jenis binatang yang diharamkan berdasarkan Sabda Rasullulah s.a.w.
General Guidelines For Use Of The Term "HALAL"
1. Scope
2. Definition
2.2.1 halal food can be prepared, processed or stored in different sections or lines within the same premises where non-halal foods are produced, provided that necessary measures are taken to prevent any contact between halal and non-halal foods;
2.2.2 halal food can be prepared, processed or transported or stored using facilities which have previously used for non-halal food provided that proper cleaning procedures, according to Islamic requirement, have been observed.
3. Criteria for Use of the Term "Halal"
3.1 Lawful Food
3.2 Slaugthering
3.3 Preparation, Processing, Packaging, Transporation and Storage
4. Additional Labeling Requirements
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Customer are more health conscious of the kind of food they consumed. They wanted to know how the food the produce, process, transport and can be trace back from the source. These are the quality of future food products of which the halal global trade can offer to the world.
The current global halal trade is showing positive trend and fits well with the demand for the future.
The awareness of consumer on the halalan thoyyiban factor which will ensure the products are halal, safe, hygienic and quality assurance is a key factor to ensure the global halal trade. Halal products encompass the whole value chain from the production, processing and logistics of the products through its traceability program.
If the procedures for certification are followed accordingly, the halal products will bear the quality assurance of the products and can be traced down the line to the producers.
The spread of "Mad Cow Disease" syndrome is due to the unethical way of producers that process the dead animals and recycle back as animal feed. The virus from the disease animals is then transmitted to other animals that consumed the "animal feeds". The ready animals that consumed the virus will propagate the disease to human and thus providing the syndrome human.
In Halal food production, this will never happen as feeding of animal products back to animal is haram or not allowed under any condition. Furthermore the animals production process could be traced back to the source. This will provide assurance to the kind of products available to the customer.
The growing muslim population in the world is also very encouraging trend for the increase in the demand for Halal products. Current customers are more aware about halal products and the halalan thoyyiban factor. This will provide an opportunity for halal producers to introduce their products in the food industry. Halal Industry also include non food such as health care, pharmaceuticals, herbs, bio tech products,etc. This will provide another product line for the demanding customers.
Halal Industry also include logistics and transportation of halal products through its value chain. Islamic banking will facilitate the halal industry even further to ensure the entire value chain is Halal all the way.